Antonio Nunez, PhD
Co-Investigator, Michigan State University
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Antonio Nunez is the Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of Psychology at Michigan State University. He oversees the processing of theses and dissertations, postdoctoral affairs and, oversees an AGEP grant from the National Science Foundation that supports, among other activities, a cross-disciplinary learning community. He organizes and facilitates workshops and institutes that support the professional preparation of graduate students and postdocs. His office collaborates with the Office of the VP for Research to provide funds for the support of postdocs’ and graduate students’ research and professional travel.
Tony received a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Florida State University in 1977, and was then awarded a NIH postdoctoral fellowship to do research at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. In 1980 he joined the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Program at Michigan State University, where he holds the title of full Professor. Before taking his position at the Graduate School, he served as Associate Chair and Director of Graduate Programs in Psychology and as Acting Director of the Neuroscience Program. His research is in the areas of neuroendocrinology and chronobiology. His laboratory has been funded over the last 35 years by research grants from several NIH institutes and from the NSF. In addition to his research support from national funding agencies, he has over 100 peer-reviewed publications, many of them with postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students as co-authors.