Key Set of Effective Teaching Skills

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Keep the following in mind while watching this video:

  1. Reflection on self- and on audience characteristics (identities, needs, motivations, expertise, and expectations).
  2. Intentionally developing and infusing inclusive learning approaches, acknowledges that learners are different and are learning and working within systems that are structured such that learners are differentially advantaged and disadvantaged. 
  3. Identifying learning objectives and aligning those with activities, outcomes, and assessment. 
  4. Using collaborative and active learning approaches to engage diverse learners and support their learning.

Introducing the Four Effective Teaching Skills

Expanding on Effective Teaching Skills

Introducing Reflection on Self Characteristics

Introducing Reflection on Audience Characteristics

Introducing Intentionally Developing and Infusing Inclusive Learning Approaches

Active Learning and Backwards Design

Interviews with Career Professionals from a Wide Range of Careers

Teaching Moments in the Workplace